Cornish Dance Workshops for Schools

Cornish dance workshops for schools always include LIVE folk music with at least one musician, and form part of a child’s physical, mental and social well-being health, as well as the opportunity to provide a grounding in local heritage and culture.

Mr Martin's Reel with counting yn Kernewek
Bude Junior School, Y4 with Kate Tidball
(picture by Bob Griggs)

Learning objectives for each session include:
  • rhythm and melody
  • balance and concentration
  • spatial awareness and coordination
  • social interaction, etiquette and inclusivity
  • collaboration, creation and innovation 
  • a sense of heritage and culture
By the end of each session, children should feel confident to take their dance(s) into the playground, share with their friends and families, and in school/cluster/community events.

Typically, a Cornish dance workshop session will last for 45 minutes per class or year group, with a focus on one or more types of Cornish dance: social, set or step.

Whole school sessions or end-of day 'celebrations' can easily be facilitated with sufficient planning time, a good mixture of space and acoustics, and a sense of occasion.

Mixed age groups are encouraged, giving older children the opportunity to help younger children to learn.

Options for delivery are:
  • schools morning, afternoon or after-school sessions for children
  • schools INSET or twilight sessions for teaching staff
  • cluster schools morning, afternoon, full day or after-school sessions for children
  • cluster INSET or twilight sessions for teaching staff
Funding for Cornish dance workshops for school aged children is through the Department of Education PE and Sport Premium budget.

Feel free to get in touch if you'd like a chat about one or more delivery options for your school or school cluster, or drop into any of the public sessions in the Cornish Dancing Diary.