Here are the music and dance resources for the Lowender Perghenegi St Piran's Project 2025 - Truro:
1. North Cornwall Furry
Formation: Processional dance for two couples in a line and as many sets as will, holding right hand to right hand with partner.
Step: One-Two-Three-Hup
1-8 Couples take eight steps forward, all moving in the same direction
9-12 All right hand star
13-16 All left hand star
Tune: St Piran's March - Dre Vaner Peran by Jim Pengelly
2. Mr Martin's Reel
Formation: Dancers stand in a tight circle with hands resting on the nearest shoulders of dancers on either side (or simply holding hands). For large groups, create one or more inner circles, or smaller circles in the available space.
Step: Mr Martin's Reel side shuffle
1-4 Side shuffle to the right for 7, stamp on left foot, stamp on right foot
5-8 Side shuffle to the left for 7, stamp on right foot, stamp on left foot
9-10 Side shuffle to the right for 3, stamp-stamp
11-12 Side shuffle to the left for 3, stamp-stamp
13 Side shuffle to the right for 2
14 Side shuffle to the left for 2
15 Side shuffle to the right for 2
16 Side shuffle to the left for 2
1-2, 1-2
. . . and in Cornish
onan-dew, onan-dew, onan-dew, onan-dew
Tune: King of Sweden
3. Cornish Meeting Dance
Formation: Couples, facing partners
Step: Step-hop
1-2 Turn partner for 4 steps by right arm
3-4 Turn partner for 4 steps by left arm
5 Clap, touch left elbow, clap, touch right elbow
6 Clap, then hands on heads, hands on shoulders, hands on hips
7-8 Wiggle hips, bow or curtsey, turn on the spot, ready to start again
Tune: The Cat's Got The Measles (the Keel Row)